"The Blind Lead The Blind"
It's like nobody ever does what they really want to do anymore. They just do what everyone else is doing so that they'll "fit in" and be "cool".
I can tell you personally that being in the popular crowd really isn't what it's cracked up to be.
Honestly... you should never sacrifice what you want to be, and who you really are just so that some kids, that you probably wont even be talking to a year or two from now will like you. I mean people are going to judge you no matter where you go, or what you do... so why cause yourself pain?
... It doesn't make sense to me...
Sure, you might not be able to go to prom with the most prettiest girl in the school, but who really cares? Seriously, most pretty girls are pretty hideous on the inside.
I mean, I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to take somebody to the prom with the personality of a venomous snake ready to kill me. It's very ridiculous in my opinion.
Pretty much the moral of this is...
be who you want to be and don't let the hatas get ya down
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