But he will die and soon.
There is no question about it,
he will not get through it this time...
On that note...
His name is David Jullian Newhart and if he were reading this right now he would say that he hates his middle name and that it's so not him . . .
sorry David but... it looks better this way.
David for a very long time was my best friend and even now... I honestly don't know how I am supposed to move on...
He was everything that I had ever wanted and so much more.
To say that I loved him and would do anything for him is a complete understatement.
Honestly... I was even thinking about marriage there for awhile...
I would have loved it, you know.
I would have liked to have been with him forever...
but obviously that isn't an option anymore.
Not that he would've married anyway haha
Or maybe he would have?
I'll never know now...
He was my boyfriend (I guess...I have to start using past tense...) and I loved him very much, and even though for a short while there I thought that he didnt love me too I know now that I was just hurt and that he loved me very much... and I will cherish that, honestly for the rest of my life.
His memory will serve me will...
I'm not sure if I will be able to... get past his death
and ever be completely... "normal" again...
maybe the feeling of pain is here to stay...
but I dont think that is what he would want...
How could it not be that way?
I mean ... I loved him so much and I still do
You know he had the most raddest hair in the WHOLE world?
It was the first thing I noticed about him...
His personality
My god... his personality shone through the darkness like a lighthouse on the most stormiest nights at sea... haha and I know how that sounds corny, but ... it's true.
He is the most nicest person I have ever met and probably ever will meet.
He completed me...
How could I ever begin to explain David?
He was very random... he liked candy... he was very weird and a very hyper kid. He was one of those people who would go completely out of their way to help a stranger out. Despite his past and home life which were not the best thing in the world... he was so caring, polite, compassionate, and loving.
He was amazingly nice, beautifully perfect, wonderfully insane, and ridiculously gentle.
He was my best friend, boyfriend, hope, and hero.
He has helped me with every aspect of my life, including teaching me how to love and trust people again. I would not be here right now, if it had not been for him. He is everything to me, and when he's gone I will remember him forever.
It would take an entire novel just to write how much he means to me, and another to write how much he has helped me, and another to write how absolutely amazing he was, and yet another to tell how much for lack of a better sentence I love him. <3
I guess this is the final Rest In Peace.
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