Friday, January 30, 2009


Bows Pictures, Images and Photos

If you think about everything starts with you...

If you don't give respect to people, should you expect it back?
If you're not nice to people, are they going to be nice to you?
If you dwell on the past and hold anger and pain near you are you ever going to get over it?
You have to get over it yourself.

Think about it this way:
You are the survivor not the victim.
You're here now, you're alive, and everything that HAS happened is in the PAST.
Live your life like there is no tomorrow, because chances are there won't be.
Life is a gift...
why would you EVER waste something so precious?

Be Happy

Being judged isnt the worst thing in this world
Why should you let it hold you back from the things that you really want to do or say?
Do you love her?
You're afraid she won't love you back?

Well let me tell you something
you ungrateful
naive little BOY
Love is something even more precious than life itself
and you are WASTING IT

Tragedy and Misery
You think that because something bad has happened to you, you should be the middle of "poor you's"? You think you can live on "whoa is me's?"
You are pathetic...
I understand what pain is
I do.
And I understand that sometimes...
It's hard to get over it
and sometimes you never do
but the way you advertise it...
have some fucking dignity puh-lease.

sharpiesss Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, January 23, 2009

A few touches of reality, sanity, and my sanity.

David Newhart died on January 15, 2009.
I will always love you.

I was searching through my playlist the other day and I found a song that I really liked, my favorite line is one I can definatley agree with.

"I'm not a supermodel, Baby I still eat McDonald's."
charcoal Pictures, Images and Photos

My Sanity:
You see, Tigers are hatched from eggs that come from a human girl's left arm.
Every girl hatches a Tiger Egg every year, but only one.
But before it is hatched the eggs grow wings and flies to wherever it is supposed to be. Some get kind of mixed up and end up in zoos...
/My Sanity

color Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, January 5, 2009

Your Path... Or Your Parents

So I was thinking about this today...
and I was wondering...
why are most teenagers so bent on doing exactly what their parents want?
Like ...
taking over the family business, or being a lawyer...

You know its your life not your parents.
Even if your parents are supporting you with their money but only if you do what they want you to do... you still shouldn't just sit by and watch your life dwindle away on something you don't want to do.

You only get one life here people!

Maybe it's because they're also afraid that they won't have their parents approval...
I'll admit it would hurt if you were close with your parents and they all of a sudden turned their back on you...
but it's not going to kill you, you know
Rejection--even betrayal-- is not going to be the worst thing you go through in this life.

You know also
if you go through with something that you hate as your occupation you'll probably just end up losing it because you hate it so much and then
you'll end up homeless
with nothing to do

Some Advice: Start small.
Waitressing might work for you.

But seriously-- don't let your parents push you around. This is your life, your future, your happiness.