Saturday, November 28, 2009

Halloween came and went. It was fun and I got way more candy than any human should have.

Obviously, I spent it with Chan. Some of it was spent with Sky and Anthony too

I also went on vacation. Me and my mom went down to Las Cruces and T or C to visit family. We also went to white sands.

Chan was over here this weekend, too. We made a video. Here it is :D:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My creativity has been sparked!

I've been making all kinds of cool stuff lately. Masks, and oragami... even dolls. Hand sewed and everything haha

I take some classes at a place called Papers. It's this funky shop at nob hill.

They have walls and walls of nothing but paper you can buy. They have pretty much any kind you could ever want. And they have other things as well. Like just.. cool little things. Like different kinds of mints which not all of them are great tasting-- but the tins are amazing! Me and my mom got two. I got zombie mints

But I'm not brave enough to try them because they're artificial meat flavored...

My mom got absinthe mints. :3 hers are supposed to taste like black liquorice which personally I don't like but shes does... so all the more power to her.

here are my dolls

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I made a mask! Because Im so effing uhmazing!

Anddd... I WENT TO HOMECOMING AND DANCED TIL MY FEET WERE BLEEDING! Not literally... but they were close. haha it was so funnn.

Me And Alex

Im not sure if it will show me since i'm on the end. But that's all of us girls.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So this Saturday is homecoming. Chan is taking me with her. I’ll have pictures. I’m so excitedddd! My dress is black, and the middle is fitted. I got new shoes. With like.. rhinestones on them lmao They’re effing uhmazing. I dyed my hair black and did my nails and Im getting my makeup done, and hair and its like AHHH YAYY lmao But… I’m sick so I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to go. I’m hoping that I will be but if Im worse tomorrow I cant. =/ How depressing is that?
Tomorrow is also me and adam’s “monthiversary.” (we’re corny.. we know.)
I hope that I don’t trip and fall on my heels and like break my face or something at homecoming. They’re at least 3 ½ inches high and one strap is bigger than the other so… it’s a little uncomftorable.

… I like owls.
There’s this owl that like lives in a tree next to my bedroom window and it hoots all the time… it wakes me up sometimes.
Sadie’s Salsa is the best hottest salsa ever. ._. It’s… good.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

pineapple express?

So.. Pineapple express is supposed to be a hilarious stoner movie. It was... funny in some places, but most of the time I thought it was really immature and stupid. I didn't really like it and I say that you can skip it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Please click above picture.

So I have mentioned ditch the label yet? Probably not. It's this site I used to be completely obsessed with but lost interest in the people not the idea. So pretty much is a place where ... we all think that labeling is retarded! lmao Kinda. It's more. It's a place where you can share your feelings, you can be totally open and nobody will judge you. It's awesometaffy. ;)

In other newwwsss. BREE WENT CAMPPINNGG!!

Here are some nifty pictures of some adventures with Chantel ... AT THE RIO GRANDE

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stupid people

Why do teenagers hate reading so much? It frustrates me to the brink of insanity! Most people my age LOATHE reading. What's wrong with it? A book is a million times better than any movie ever could be but they continue to... well to say it bluntly, be stupid. That's what all these kids my age are-- stupid.

*I'm tired of teenagers being so stupid. And it's not just being "book stupid." It's like some people have never even heard of the words hard work or responsibility. It makes me so angry to know that some people don't even want to try to put themselves out there, or to get good grades, or just not do things that ARENT stupid! They don't use their brains!

Like drinking when you're only fourten. What is the point in that? I hate hearing people complain about your problems and then act like "Oh adults do it so I can too." But THAT'S STUPID! Or doing drugs. Or having sex when obviously you're not ready at all. I know a 10 year old girl who isn't a virgin anymore. It's like what planet am I on?

Moral of this story. Stop... being... stupid. lmao

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ever been scammed by those "You'll win money NO MATTER WHAT!" sites? Well I have a site where you can win FREE cash! Although not every person is a winner and the pot isn't that big right now-- it's all very legit. I know the maker of the site. The more people to use the site the bigger the pot. So tell your friends, family, coworkers! Click Here.

In other random news... I feel weird running. Like really. I think that I don't run right or something. Maybe I run girly. :o *gasp* Such blasphemy...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lately my life has consisted of taking artsy pictures, weird convos with two people, Reign Of Blood, and begging my mom to take me shopping- which still hasn't happened....

Artsy ..Things! Pretty much yesterday I was just like... "Okay, I'm bored, that's pretty-- CAMERAAAA TIMMEE!!"

Have I ever mentioned Reign of Blood? I'm not sure... Well it's pretty much the coolest game EVER. I eat, sleep, and bleed RoB lol. The dead city is the main town in the game.

Have you ever been obsessed with a band? I mean truly obsessed? That you would rarely even listen to anybody but this band and never get tired of them? Well ladies and gentlemen... I HAVE FOUND THAT BAND! And their name isss... *drum roll*

Speaking of obsessions... this style has really caught my eye, if I haven't mentioned before it's Harajuku Decora. It's all about being REALLY colorful and not caring what other people think about you. It's all about being unique.

And here are some random things I found in my photobucket!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Loved Ones

My cat pepper. Evil, or not? I can never tell.

Adam. The nicest, most sweetest guy out there. :) I love this boy.

Chantel. My peep! My best friend, my sister. I cherish my time with her.

These people/animal keep me sane sometimes or just fuel my insanity. Either way I love them all! They're like hot chocolate on a cold day. Totally perfect!
Don't let the glitter stain the carpet

<--Me and all my beads. =D

I just bought a one pound bag of beads... Who ever thought I'd say that? Since I bought these beads I've made about six bracelets- give or take a few. They're really cool. (= Definatley colorful, and can I say bold, bold, BOLD!

I've been reading a friend of mine's mom's blog. It's called LivinLovinLife. Click it. I think that she is a very interesting person/mom and her... views are extremely close to mine when it comes to school and kids. She's my hero. :) (But don't tell her. xD I don't think she even knows who I am.)

I've really been getting into blood and zombies. MMmmm brains. (: They're delicious.